Here we are another week down and another week closer to the easing of more restrictions. Social (or physical, really!) distancing is still imperative as restrictions get eased with more announced. In Victoria from the 1st June, we will be able to have gatherings of up to 20 people and pubs and cafe’s can open with limits of up to 20 people. The serving of alcohol will only be available to seated patrons.
The number of new cased as ticked along at a steady slow rate with most coming from known sources. High levels of testing will need to remain and the public really needs to take the advice to not go out if displaying even the mildest of symptoms of a cold or flu. The simple message is if not 100% well then stay home.
The easing of restrictions and the return of workers to office buildings will be one the biggest challenges in terms of keeping transmission low. There will be much higher risk as people travel more, spend more time in close proximity to others and use more shared touch points. The increase in people travelling to work and the return of students to school will pose many difficulties as capacity on public transport is reduced which will put greater strain on the road networks. As such, if you can work from home then you should still work from home.
The weather is cooling down more. We had a few nice days with a chill in the air and a few days with some rain including one 2:00 am storm that did some serious damage in the Melbourne area and hitting Geelong the hardest.
18th May 2020 7:08 am
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22nd May 2020 11:16 am
22nd May 2020 11:18 am Mushroom Cloud
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