Another week has passed in effective isolation. The current restrictions mean the only time I leave the house is to go to the supermarket or for a walk to get some exercise.
Living in outer suburban Melbourne, the houses are tightly packed in together so at home there is not much to look at from left to right. The only other option is to look up at the skies.
Melbourne’s ever changing weather brings about dramatic contrast, often in the same day. It is not an exaggeration when people describe Melbourne as having four seasons in one day.
6th April 6:14 pm. The golden light of sunset breaks through the storm clouds.
6th April 6:23 pm. Phoenix Rising
7th April 2020 8:13 am. A patch of light through storm clouds
7th April 2020 6:24 pm
8th April 2020 10:41 am
8th April 2020 1:29 pm
8th April 2020 2:45 pm
8th April 2020 2:46 pm
8th April 2020 8:47 pm. Miracle of miracles, the Melbourne sky is clear for a celestial event. The pink super moon is the brightest of the year. This image was not captured at the optimal time.
9th April 2020 10:43 am. Not a cloud in the sky, the only interest was the constant circling of aircraft as the flight schools operated all day long.
10th April 2020 6:46 am. The sunrise just breaking through to add a splash of colour to the sky.
10th April 2020 7:17 am.
10th April 2020 7:19 am.
10th April 2020 7:19 am.
11th April 2020 2:24 pm. One of those days where one minute is raining then the next sun then the next raining again.
11th April 2:25 pm.
11th April 2020 2:26 pm.
11th April 2020 2:28 pm.
11th April 2020 2:31 pm.
11th April 2020 2:59 pm.
11th April 2020 4:15 pm.
11th April 2020 4:15 pm. Easter Weekend
11th April 2020 4:16 pm.
11th April 2020 5:37 pm. The setting sun casts golden highlights on the dark clouds.
11th April 2020 5:38 pm. Seeing the light through the storm.
12th April 2020 7:01 am. Easter Sunday looking East
12th April 2020 7:01 am. Looking West