Project COVID Skies - Part 14

Since my last update we have been under what is known as stage 4 restrictions. This was applied immediately from the time of my last post in part and other parts came into effect on Wednesday and Friday. Those parts were mostly employment related. The immediate new restrictions from last Sunday was a ban on travelling more than 5 km from home and the placement of a curfew from 8 pm to 5 am. We were also limited to only being able to exercise for an hour, once per day and to go shopping just once per day.

This caught me out a little when I did my shopping on Wednesday. I had forgotten an item and since I had already been to the shops I couldn’t go back for that item or for takeaway really. The solution was to have dinner delivered that night.

Cases have remained high which was still to be expected through the week. Hopefully this coming week we start to see a downward trend. The amounts of new cases from Monday 3rd August to Sunday 9th August were; 380, 398, 700, 434, 398, 416, 376. At least the case numbers have not grown exponentially which means the implementation of mandatory mask wearing has slowed the rate of increase of cases.

NSW keeps having new cases pop up, most are associated to known outbreaks. There has been some spread with cases been found in the Newcastle area. The track and trace in NSW is solid, but scarily it shows how much someone can get out and about and spread the virus. NSW had been able to issue alerts for multiple locations based on someone having a few days out. QLD in response has now closed their border to residents of NSW and ACT, joining those from Victoria already excluded.

3rd August 2020  9:30 am

3rd August 2020 9:30 am

3rd August 2020  5:32 pm

3rd August 2020 5:32 pm

4th August 2020  5:28 pm

4th August 2020 5:28 pm

4th August 2020  5:38 pm

4th August 2020 5:38 pm

6th August 2020  7:43 am

6th August 2020 7:43 am

6th August 2020  10:28 am

6th August 2020 10:28 am

6th August 2020  5:27 pm

6th August 2020 5:27 pm

7th August 2020  8:24 am

7th August 2020 8:24 am

8th August 2020  5:28 pm

8th August 2020 5:28 pm

9th August 2020  7:20 am

9th August 2020 7:20 am

9th August 2020  7:20 am

9th August 2020 7:20 am