Werribee Open Range Zoo

35km from Melbourne CBD the Werribee open range zoo is a great place for the family and for an opportunity to grab out the camera and take a few photos. Part of the Werribee park that includes the Werribee mansion and the state rose garden, the zoo is set over 225 hectares and includes a wide range of animals.

We were out on a family day event so I didn’t have the luxury of available time to hunt for photos and I recommend if you have the time for it, spend a day and a good amount of time watching the animals to line up your best shots. It was also raining the day we went, which has its upsides with the animals more likely to be about and not hiding from the sun but the downsides of lower light and noise from the falling rain.

Overall the facilities were good and I was amazed that it was possible to purchase food and drink without having to take a second mortgage on the house. I do recommend Werribee open range zoo and a great day out with the family and for photography.

Grazing Zebras

Grazing Zebras

Hello Zebra

Hello Zebra

Let me get closer

Let me get closer

Feeding time

Feeding time

Watching the world

Watching the world

Project COVID Skies - Part 24

Welcome to what is hopefully the last edition of Project COVID Skies. Ok, maybe not last as in, I will probably do some future editions with a best of and also document anything of note, but hopefully the last in terms of the original project premise of continuing this project whilst in stage 3 restrictions or higher.

As this project started 2 weeks after our initial lockdown started it also signifies a total of 6 months that Melbourne has been under stage 3 or higher restrictions.

Today 18th October 2020, the Victorian government has announced the easing of a number of restrictions effective from midnight tonight. Our 5km travel restriction will be increased to 25km and the restriction of being allowed out for just 2 hours has also been removed. Thus, the criteria for my project will be no longer in place and I can get out and take photographs of something else.

These announcements have come just as the last few days have seen very low new case numbers across Victoria. The new case numbers from Monday 12th October 2020 - Sunday 18th October 2020 are; 14, 10, 6, 4, 2, 0 and 2. The total for the week was just 38 and there is a total of 137 active cases currently in Victoria. 12 people remain in hospital, the are 0 in ICU and in the last week just 6 people have sadly passed away.

In other news the New Zealand bubble has commenced with NSW and the NT. This is a one way bubble with no need to quarantine on arrival into Australia, however quarantine will be required on entry to back to NZ. This bubble has created a few feathers to be ruffled as a number of people who came in from NZ have made their way to Melbourne. The Victorian government is a bit upset by that, however the Victorian border is open to anyone within Australia who wants to enter it. Any people coming to Victoria will need to follow any restrictions that are in place. This also means leaving Victoria will be difficult and presently would mean quarantine in NSW before being allowed to fly to NZ to quarantine again. My suspicions are that these people probably live here and won’t be in a hurry to leave. The certainly won’t be tourists looking for site seeing in a largely deserted city.

THANK YOU to everyone who has been following along with my weekly blog and keep an eye out for future random editions of Project COVID Skies. Hopefully I will be blogging about something else soon but in the meantime I might enjoy a few weekends off and hope that there will be no need to return to Project COVID skies under the lockdown premise. Time will tell……

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17th October 2020 4:00 pm

Street Parade Photography

Always looking for an opportunity to try something different with photography, I decided to attempt taking photos at the Moomba festival street parade in Melbourne.

I soon discovered there are numerous challenges with parade photography. Capturing great images shouldn’t be left to luck. There are many considerations to be made to ensure your effort in taking great photos is rewarded.



The first key challenge is position, position. For this challenge I had a bit of a fail. I left my arrival until a little late and therefore had to work past hands, heads and other cameras getting in my photos. Lesson for next time, get there early and pick your location.

When it comes to choosing a great location there are a few things that you should consider; the time of day, position of the sun, obstacles and distractions can all have implications on the quality of your images.

The time of day will give you an idea of the type of light you will be working with. Many parades occur in the middle of the day which means you could be working in harsh light. Look at the parade route, maybe there are some shaded areas to work with for more consistent and better light.

If exposed to the sun it is worth noting its position. Where possible, look for where the sun is to the side. If the sun is in front of you it can make exposure very difficult and if the sun is behind you then you will find your subjects will squint as they look into the sun.



Unless you are going for motion blur as an artistic choice, you will be hoping for photos that are sharp and freeze motion. To capture the scene a shutter speed of at least 1/250 sec should do the trick. For any subjects that move faster then go for a quicker shutter speed.



More often than not, you want to select a single subject and have it stand out in the crowd. Parades offer a lot of distraction, from the crowd through to officials and other performers. By using a shallow depth of field, the focus can be sharp on the subject whilst allowing the distracting factors to become soft and less relevant to the photo. ƒ2.8 to ƒ4.5 will suit most occasions. If you wish to have more of the scene in focus then increase the ƒ stop accordingly.



With your preferred shutter speed and aperture selected the next setting to get right is the ISO. For this setting I recommend auto ISO. In a parade your subject move quickly, depending on the direction of your shot the light levels can change, even a passing cloud can change your exposure in a heartbeat. With all that is going on, your attention is best focused on composition rather than exposure.



What makes one parade photo compelling and another dull. For my mind you need to have a clear subject. Pointing a camera at the street and taking a snapshot is not often going to provide you with a great image. Ask yourself, what am I really looking at? What is it in front of me that I really like the look of? What is it, that is interesting in front of me? Zoom in on your subject and take that photo.


Wide shots, capturing multiple subjects, on occasion can also look good. They provide a sense of scale of the parade and can document the event rather well. If it is possible, look for an opportunity to take such a photo from an elevated position. Shooting from a high point, you can get more subjects in your shot which will collectively look good as a single subject. Alas, with this parade I did not have the opportunity to shoot from an elevated position.


Eye contact will get you the golden images! The good news is that street performers, are just that, performers and they love attention. Raise your camera in their direction and if they see you there is a good chance you will get a smile.


Another great composition tip is to change your perspective, not only does standard height and elevated positions lead to good photos, getting down to the street can be used to emphasise large objects and add some wow to your parade shot.

Finally, the last tip for parade photography is to capture action. There is a lot of action that happens during a street parade. The action is the story and there are many great images to be had. Taking action up another notch is to capture interaction. An image is much stronger if you can capture this type of action.


The best advice at the end of the day is just to get out there and do it. Sure, you may make mistakes, but that is how we learn. You will know for next time, what worked and what didn’t. Before you know it, you might be selling your photos for editorial purposes to the highest bidder.