A most interesting week in the state of Victoria. Case numbers have been decreasing nicely and and as such we will be rewarded with a little bit more relaxation of restrictions outside of the previously announced roadmap. The state government has been fronting up to an enquiry about the hotel quarantine which has looked more like an episode of Hogan’s Heroes where every character is Sergeant Schultz, “I know nothing! Nothing!!” and in the end resulted in the health minister resigning after being thrown under the bus by the state premier Daniel Andrews.
The new case numbers for the week from Monday 21st to Sunday 27th September were; 9, 25, 24, 5, 13, 11, 16 this in comparison to NSW who had 4, 2, 6, 1, 2, 1, 0. The reason for the comparison to NSW is that during the week they had their border opened to SA and some of the northern municipalities were also opened to Queensland, although there were some curious exceptions including one bordering area that has not recorded any cases. Queensland are a month away from a state election and the move to include some northern NSW communities has come as the premier’s popularity was declining over numerous heartless incidents where compassionate entry to Queensland had been denied.
The weather this week has been mostly cold, windy and rainy. Not the ideal weather for getting outside. This will persist for a few day yet so hopefully brings me some more interesting cloud formations.
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