Another week down and there have been a slight easing of restrictions. Victoria is still the strictest of the states. The trajectory of the number of new cases per day has been heading up due to a couple of clusters involving Cedar Meats and the Maccas at Fawkner which has spread to the Maccas at Craigieburn.
The easing of restrictions in Victoria, is to allow some recreational activities, including golf, fishing and tennis. Essentially solo or non-contact sports are OK. It is also now OK to visit family and friends with a maximum of 5 visitors at a time. Importantly social distancing must be maintained with at least a 1.5 meter space between yourself and others.
Other states are now allowing food venues to open to patrons but with a cap of 10 people. The amount of guests at a wedding and funeral has been doubled and 10 people at a time are allowed in a place of worship. The football codes now have their plans in place for the resumption of their seasons in June.
The weather has been cold this week but generally quite good with the end of the week providing cloudless sunny skies.
11th May 7:09 am
11th May 7:10 am
11th May 7:16 am
11th May 7:16 am
11th May 7:26 am
11th May 1:26 pm
11th May 2:06 pm
11th May 4:53 pm
11th May 5:03 pm
12th May 6:59 am
12th May 7:00 am
12th May 7:02 am
12th May 9:03 am
12th May 9:42 am
12th May 4:39 pm
12th May 4:40 pm
12th May 5:10 pm
12th May 5:21 pm
12th May 5:25 pm
12th May 5:27 pm
13th May 10:55 am
13th May 11:21 am
13th May 11:42 am
13th May 2:31 pm
13th May 3:31 pm
13th May 4:56 pm
13th May 5:14 pm
14th May 7:30 am
14th May 7:32 am
14th May 1:04 pm
14th May 4:07 pm
14th May 4:08 pm
15th May 7:02 am
15th May 7:28 am
16th May 2:38 pm This was all that was in the sky all day long. The rest of the day was cloudless.
17th May 12:33 pm No breeze, no clouds and a nice 17ºC