It has been a while since I have created a blog post. It seems fitting that the best way to start 2020 is to summarise 2019.
2019 has been an important part of my growth and at the end of it, I feel encouraged about what I am doing and to continue working hard, all the time learning and trying new things. I still have such a long way to go and I am excited about what may lay ahead.
On a personal level, I have become a full time stay at home dad. Whilst this takes up a lot of time, I can find moments of time to hone my craft. I really appreciate the days where I can get away on a photography adventure, usually along side fellow members of the Casey camera club.
I am humbled by the achievements of 2019 recognised mainly through the Casey camera club. Through the year, for 10 months, there is a competition each month with a different topic. Each member can submit a maximum of 5 images, with a limit of 3 images in the categories of print or digital projected image. For each competition an accredited judge provides feedback and awards images based on certain criteria. The criteria is:
Merit: Above average image quality in concept, composition, originality or technique with minor or no technical faults.
Highly Commended: Exceptional image quality in concept, composition, originality or technique.
My results from 2019 at the Casey camera club are:
Highly commended: 16 awards (+2 image of the year comp)
Merit: 13 awards (+2 image of the year comp)
1st place DPI regular for 2019
1st place Print regular for 2019
Promotion to advanced
Image of the year DPI for “Yes Thanks”
Image of the year Print for “Fluffy the Macaw”
Club Champion 2019
The award of club champion, which was based on the aggregate of the monthly competition results was a big surprise and I am massively encouraged by such a result. Along with the image of the year results, it is re-assuring to feel that I am on the right path.
“Yes Thanks” awarded image of the year 2019 DPI regular at Casey Camera Club.
For 2020 I hope to be able to increase my output and be able to continue to grow and develop my abilities within photography. I also intend to utilise my social media and website more to promote myself and to get my art work seen and hopefully produce images that are meaningful to others, so that they will want to have my art on their wall.
“Fluffy the Macaw” awarded image of the year 2019 Print at Casey Camera Club.