All things must have a place to start. This blog entry is the first for my venture "A View From a Lens Photography"
Leading up to this moment, has been a lifetime of unrealised interest in photography. All my life, I have enjoyed taking out my camera and taking photos. Somehow, I never made the connection that with time and effort I could develop my natural inclinations into a real ability and a future. After many months of soul searching, the "what should have been so incredibly obvious," finally revealed itself to me. When I say "should have been obvious," it was a case that before telling anyone that I decided to take up photography professionally, I would ask them, "What is that you see that i like and enjoy?" The top answer from everyone was, "Take photos!"
Beginning of a new day.... Flinders, VIC, Australia
Since, awaking the giant and realising my interest, I have spent countless hours learning and practising photography. There are so many countless hours to come, a lifetime really. There is so much to learn and enjoy from photography, so why not take this natural interest and turn it into opportunity to do what I love. It all makes so much sense and I have committed myself to becoming a professional photographer.
I now have my creative output. It has taken me half a life-time to find it and I am excited for the future to come. My passion for work has come back! I look back at my journey so far and can see how every step has lead to this moment. Now is the time to combine all my skills, creativity and experience to follow this new exciting path.
My intention is to be able to earn from photography and to give back by sharing my learning and experiences through these blog posts.
This venture is still largely under construction and it will grow and evolve in time. I welcome you check out my portfolio and contact me to purchase any prints, license any images or to engage my photographic services.